Team Green Kids Club Creative Page

This page has been created to both showcase and celebrate the creative endeavors of our Team Green members, who love participating in tailor-made activities at our working bees. 
They have loads of fun learning about keeping our world green and beautiful, and are growing into passionate, environmentally aware custodians of the future. 

Asquith Enviro Hub

How to interact with this blog

We’d love some blog stories from kids and parents too. Anything to do with the school grounds, environment and sustainability – maybe something about your favorite place in school and why you love it so much?

How you feel when you walk through the turpentine forest?

What sort of birds you saw today?

An unusual insect that you found in the play ground?

How exciting it is to see herbs and veggies growing at school.

Maybe tell us about your compost heap or worm farm.

Ask your parents, care givers or teachers to email your blog to Sandie at and we’ll put it on the Asquith Enviro Hub blog site (if you’d like we can include your first name, initial and year/class). 

Miss Rhian.S, Year 3 - 27th October, 2014.

"Everyone DO YOU KNOW WHERE A BIN IS??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Well if you don’t you must because otherwise you’re a litter bug. Do you know that all the rubbish that’s on the ground, when it rains it goes in the drain? It gets washed away and away into the sea where turtles thinks its food and when they eat it they get killed.
Also rubbish causes RATS. Who likes rats? Well I certainly don’t. They can be a pest all the time looking for food scurrying around.

Who else eats the food? Well, the lorikeets and the noisy miner birds do and they scare all the little birds out of the city."

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