November's working bee fell on one of the years hottest days. But that did not stop the dedicated team from getting the job done.
From moving entire vegetable gardens to setting up a new equipment shed, it was all happening.
This picture below is where our garden equipment shed has been installed. It will house all of our wheel barrows, and other bits and pieces.
The three raised vegetable garden beds have been given a new home, right near our digging patch. This is a much more central location, where everyone can keep an eye on how the veggies are going. Before and After School Care have taken on the responsibility of watering daily.
A garden can always use a compost bin, or two. We have three, servicing the veggie patch, from playground scraps. These were kindly donated to the school by families.
The garden beds between the library and the school office building have been planted out with an assortment of herbs. Hopefully they will thrive in the space we have made for them.
And Team Green, the kids club was kept cool but busy with all sorts of interesting activities. Some made Christmas cards, others watered the new seedlings planted in the Turpentine forest, and there were even some happily searching for litter treasure!
What fun!