Thursday, November 13, 2014

Three cheers for Mrs Meggitt, the "Worm Lady"

Mrs Meggitt’s determination to cut back on waste at school by encouraging composting has worked a treat, with many kids automatically putting their compostable waste in the bins provided at school! They know their banana peels, apple cores, bread, tomatoes, paper bags and other food scraps go to feed the schools’ worms – either in the compost bin or worm farm – and eventually create compost and soil to go back into their veggies gardens - go Mrs Meggitt!!

We’re now hearing stories of kids at home saying Dad? Mum? Where’s our compost bin? Well if you are interested in getting a compost bin or worm farm at home (worm farms are great especially if you don’t have the space for a compost bin), you can buy them from Hornsby Council. What’s more if you (or your kids!!!) successfully do a short online tutorial and quiz, you can get what you need for half price!!!

So check out the following website for the tutorial and quiz:

Current full prices (
220L Compost bin - $40
Worm farm (black) $80

Worms - $40 for approximately 2,000 worms, can be ordered upon request (you can also get worms from someone else’s worm farm – pop a comment on our blog or contact the Enviro Hub and we’re sure we can find someone to share some worms with you)

Did you know?
1. 40-50% of waste in our red bins is food.
2. Throwing food in the rubbish (red) bin means more energy used transporting the waste to the dump.
3. It also means more methane gas produced in the landfill – methane is a greenhouse gas.
4. The food mixes with other waste to create acid leachate which poisons our groundwater.
5. We also lose the nutrients in our food cycle.


  1. S2M thinks the blog spot is terrific.
    Liam D says: "Awesome!"

    We had a discussion about compost bins at home - 9 children in S2M have a compost bin.
    Everyone in S2M has promised to tell their families about this site and also the "deal" with the council.

    We hope to see lot sof S2M children at the working bee this weekend.

    1. How lovely to hear from S2M.

      If you are interested in more information on worm farms and compost bins, come and see us at the Enviro Hub stall at the Asquith Public School Christmas Carols. We will be giving out lots of information and selling herbs and other plants. We will also have further information on how you can get a half price compost bin or worm farm by joining the Hornsby Council Compost Revolution.

      Looking forward to seeing lots of Asquith families this Sunday at the school Working Bee from 8am until 12pm. There are lots of jobs for mums and dads, and school kids can work with the Team Green Kids Club to earn a Lachie (or two Lachies if you have participated at another working bee this year).

      The Asquith Enviro Hub Team

    2. 7 children and families are coming to the working bee this weekend! We are hoping a few more will join in too.
      9 children are going to ask their parents if they can come along - even for just an hour to help out, and be a part of our school community workers!!

      "Go Mrs Meggitt!" says Bella L

    3. Thank you to Toby, Chloe, Rory, Andre, Will & families from S2M who came and worked on a very hot morning yesterday at our working bee. Your help was very much appreciated and your Lachies are on their way. You should be very proud of the work you have done to help improve the school grounds.

      The Asquith Enviro Hub Team.

  2. What a lovely surprise. I have just read the latest blog and I am so excited to think that I have been spreading my worms. Even for Halloween, I was handing out sour worms. Well dome to all the Asquith Families who have joined the compost revolution with their own bins and also worm farming. Every little bit helps.
    Mrs Meggitt
    The worm lady

  3. Thank you to all the parents and children who worked in the scorching heat on Sunday to erect a garden shed, pour a concrete slab, set up more compost bins, place edging around the turpentine forest gardens and pick up rubbish.
    The school looks amazing, and our outdoor learning areas are becoming a reality.
    Well done Asquith Enviro hub. and Team Green.

    1. We totally could not have done it without everyone's dedication. Asquith Public School can be very proud!


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